DIY Sling Puck – Basic and Deluxe Version (Free Drawing)

I kept seeing this Sling Puck board game on social media over and over. It looked like a really fun game to play and a very easy woodworking project to build. I decided to make one – well, two actually. I wanted to make one that is basic for beginning woodworkers and another that is a little more challenging with pinstripes and an epoxy base. On the first game board, I used simple joinery, like butt joints. I glued it up, sanded, drilled some holes, and put a finish on it. Done! It came out great and plays really well. On the Deluxe version, I decided to kick it up a notch with some miter joints, rabbet joints, and dado joints. I also add some pinstripes (inlay) using starbond adhesives. This was my first time trying this with the CA Glue and it really turned out awesome! After the CA Glue dried , which was instant, I sanded it smooth. I proceeded to put the frame together and glue it to the base. The frame acted as a form for the @TotalBoat Table Top epoxy that I poured on top of the base. After the epoxy was set overnight, I finished putting the rest together. There was not much left to do – just drill a couple of holes for the elastic cord and gluing on the divider with the goal. Both of the game boards were really fun to build. I enjoyed experimenting with Starbond CA Glue, trying to see if I could make the pinstripes. It worked out great! So, go ahead and give it a shot and build one, if you are feeling confident enough go for the Deluxe version. This Sling Puck game is super fun to play, too, so building one is well worth it….. But, if you just want to play the game go ahead and order one on Amazon, because like I said, it’s super Fun!!!


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