Making Homemade dill pickles is easy and so good. It doesn’t take a lot of equipment or specials gadgets . This video gives step by step on how to achieve good old homemade dill pickles. Most importantly they will be the best you’ve ever tasted… because you made them, Right?
A dill pickle is a cucumber that has been either pickled in a water, salt and vinegar brine , or a water salt solution and left to ferment for a period of time. There are also different types of pickled cucumbers besides dill. There are sweet, bread and butter , Kosher and many more… In this video we will be concentrating on dill pickles.
It is often claimed that pickled cucumbers were first developed for workers building the Great Wall of China in 2,000-3,000 B.C. The pickle cucumber is a good source of vitamin K and with a high probiotic content. It is defiantly a healthy snack.
Finding the right cucumbers is a big part of a good pickle. In my garden I grow my own. I plant a verity called Boston pickling cucumbers in early spring. Just a dozen plant Weill give you plenty cucumbers . But if you don’t have a garden, thats ok because you can find then at your local Farmers Market , probably in late spring early summer. If you do plan on growing your own, don’t let them get too big. Pick them about 3 to 4 inches long and store them in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator til you have enough for a batch of jarring.
So watch the video and gather everything you will need , jars, pots, spices ….make a list. Then follow me a long step by step. Have fun making them with a friend or your family. Be careful and safe. Afterthey are put in jars and let cool to room temperature . Store them in a cool dark place and let them sit for at least two weeks. Be patient for your own delicious home made dill pickles.